I'd like for you to understand the details of my Longevity Journey. That task will be much easier if you first explore my core Longevity Beliefs. I hope that the way I present them here is reasonably complete and understandable. Even it you don't agree with them, the remainder of the website will be more useful.
As I have time, I will write, and do video on each of the topics below. I will present my beliefs and proofs in much greater detail.
Longevity Defined
Longevity Defined
- I believe that when a person experiences longevity, they live for a greater number of years than would normally have been expected.
- Others have watered down the definition of Longevity to include living in good health for a longer time (healthspan.)
- The reasons why some people accidentally or intentionally misuse the term longevity varies. Some do not understand it correctly, and apply it as it has been taught to them. Others pervert the definition to sell stuff.
- It is very important to my mission to educate people about what longevity means. I want people to understand the innate value of more years alive, and the many reasons for that value. I believe that every person should seek a state of mind and body, that motivates and incentivizes them to live longer.
Wellness Isn't Longevity
Wellness Isn't Longevity
- Many people think the terms "Wellness" and "Longevity" are synonomous. I disagree.
- Wellness is one's perception of being free from disease, being comfortable with the way they feel, and feeling like their health allows them to do what they find important.
- Wellness is a "squishy" term, as someone might have a life-threatening condition, while feeling and testing "well."
- The term longevity, when used properly, is discrete.
The Importance Of Longevity Today